
Can a candida infection cause months of itching in testicles and anus?

Can a candida infection cause months of itching in testicles and anus?

So Rocephin and Zithromax are commonly given to any person with infection, and can also cure chlamydia, I take a big shot of rocephin when I get step throat, actually my 3 month old just had some last week. The Cirp is usually given for bacterial infections so that must have been the original thought, it can also be used to treat anthrax, and the tetracycline well that can be used for almost any infection.

Candida, which your doctor may have explained, is actually a yeast infection. In a woman it can lead to itching, burning, burning with urination, and can be difficult to get rid of. Most women can take a dose of OTC from the local Wal-Mart and be cured in a couple days, unfortunately for most women it can take several doses of Diflucan. Your doctor can swab it and do a culture to see what grows, like on a petry dish. Men can take Diflucan but they would have to take higher doses and it's not guaranteed to work. To me it doesn't sound like it would be HPV, you would have a series of cauliflower like warts sprouting everywhere. I would use a mirror however just to double check.

Candida can be seen in AIDS patients but I don't see it forming that quickly from one sexual incounter. It can take forever to get rid of unfortunately. Nonoxoyl can be a common cause, which is found in condoms if you used one, I'm assuming you didn't. Also prolonged antibiotic use can actually cause Candida as well or worsen the situation so if they were treating you for the wrong thing you opened the door.

So the only two choice you really have are the Diflucan but you can have allergies and there's no guarantee, also there's Nizoral, but it's EXTREMELY powerful and can destroy your liver and reduce your ability to testosterone. I'm not sure about using monistat, but it can safely be inserted into the vagina.

I would revisit my family doctor and say hey, I was treated for Candida naturally what can you give me as an alternative?

Good Luck to you,
I hope you find out what your problem is.Hi, I am a grandmother, but I am a Certified Iridologist and herbalist and I use natural things. I have spent my whole life in the dentist chair getting my teeth redone and redone. Of course that means a life time of being on antibiotics, now I refuse to take them because I have had Candida my whole life and have been fighting it my whole life. So therefore, I have had to find somthing that would get it under control and believe me nothing the doctors suggested would kill it. Here is what I found would kill it that is natural. I have had it in the vagina, anal (rectum) under the breasts and in the ears and scalp real bad and itching bad. First of all get yourself a good Acidipholus, it is the good bacteria that kills the bad bacteria (probiotics). I started taking Oil of Oregano, 30 drops a day. Not the regular one the one that costs $ 60 a bottle. I used Dioxiclor (20 drops in a douche) in a syringe doucher and immediatly it killed the yeast in the vagina. NOTHING would kill it but that on me. Do not rub this stuff full strength on anything it will take the skin right off. It is a special Perioxide that needs to be diluted with water. FInally, after about 2 years of having a spot above my rectum itch so bad that it was causing a sore, I used straight Iodine on it, every night. That finally went away after about 6-8 weeks. I started using the iodine in my ears and it keeps it from itching everyday. Dandruff shampoo takes the itch out of the scalp for a few day. There you go sonny, No one knows like me how hard it is to put up with that itching everywhere. It is tormenting and miserable! B.

Orignal From: Can a candida infection cause months of itching in testicles and anus?

What could be causing the open sore near my vagina? It stings just a bit. I just had a herpes test that came?

What could be causing the open sore near my vagina? It stings just a bit. I just had a herpes test that came?

did they do a direct viral swab of the ulcer? could be syphilis or still herepes or just a traumatic ulcer

Orignal From: What could be causing the open sore near my vagina? It stings just a bit. I just had a herpes test that came?

Do you need to stay on medicine for herpes if you don't have outbreaks?

Do you need to stay on medicine for herpes if you don't have outbreaks?

yes-need to take dailyHerpes is my deal so listen up you......

There are 2 types of herpes. Oral & Genital herpes. In doctor terms its HSV1 (oral) & HSV2 (genital). Most everybody in the world has oral herpes. Yeah right? If you know somebody has/have a "cold sore"? Its herpes but with a prettier name. Medicine? WTF, are you talking about? You'll get some medication to fight it off but its not to be taken everyday for the rest of your life. So the 1st answer you got was wrong! The outbreaks will start reoccurring about 3-5 times a year. Then every year after will be less and less frequent. Both types of herpes also share 50% of their DNA. Your friend will have it for the rest of her life but won't die from it.

But to answer your question. No! No you do not need to stay on medicine for herpes. Keep in mind though, that herpes still can be pass on even without the breakouts.The medicine is only to help suppress the outbreaks and to help them heal up faster and is also believed to help reduce shedding passing which is how most people catch it to begin with.

Viratrol Herpes Symptom Relief Medicine. All-Natural Homeopathic Medicine Quickly Relieves Herpes Symptoms on the Face or Body Including Cold Sores and Fever Blisters. Therapeutic Support for Clear Skin. 1 Bottle - Direct from Manufacturer.

herpes medicine - click on the image below for more information.

  • Safely and immediately relieves herpes symptoms on the face or body including cold sores and fever blisters.
  • Provides therapeutic support for clear skin and optimal overall health and vitality.
  • Delivers fast, all-natural symptom relief with no negative side effects.

Viratrol is guaranteed to: safely and immediately relieve herpes symptoms on the face or body including cold sores and fever blisters; provide therapeutic support for clear skin and optimal overall health and vitality; and deliver fast, all-natural symptom relief with no negative side effects.

Viratrol is a proprietary homeopathic and oligotherapeutic complex formulated for superior, all-natural relief of herpes symptoms including cold sores and fever blisters. Viratrol is formulated to safely

Viratrol Herpes Symptom Relief Medicine. All-Natural Homeopathic Medicine Quickly Relieves Herpes Symptoms on the Face or Body Including Cold Sores and Fever Blisters. Therapeutic Support for Clear Skin. 1 Bottle - Direct from Manufacturer.

Click on the button for more herpes medicine information and reviews.

Orignal From: Do you need to stay on medicine for herpes if you don't have outbreaks?

Celebrities with Herpes

Celebrities with Herpes

H-Bond.com . Create a FREE HERPES DATING profile. http to reduce outbreaks. This clip shows the celebrities who have herpes. Hope you see herpes doesn't discriminate. The right Reference is: www.google.com
Video Rating: 5 / 5

Symptoms of Herpes Treatment

www.herpesvirusgone.com One of the most important and most overlooked ways of dealing with herpes outbreaks is looking at what you eat and how you cope with stress, as these play a major contributing factor to causing outbreaks.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Orignal From: Celebrities with Herpes

What are the symptoms of shingles?

What are the symptoms of shingles?

Shingles can be difficult to diagnose at first because often there is no rash What you should know: • Symptoms include tingling, burning, itching and shooting pain •Rash leads to blisters that break forming small ulcers •Consult your health care provider Related Videos: •All Shingles videos, www.youtube.com Related Health Articles: •Shingles Symptoms & Treatment All that many people know about shingles is that it involves a painful rash. Many don't realize that the same herpes virus that leads to the common illness chicken pox also causes shingles. This virus is called "varicella zoster," so shingles is also known as "herpes zoster" or simply "zoster."... Read More: bit.ly •Herpes Zoster Herpes zoster is an acute, localized infection with varicella-zoster virus, which causes a painful, blistering rash...Read More: bit.ly Transcript Hi, I'm Carmen Davailus and I'm a MinuteClinic nurse practitioner. Shingles can be difficult to diagnose at first because often there is no rash with the initial symptoms. Tingling, burning, itching, or even shooting pain are common symptoms, and general flu-like symptoms including fever and fatigue may also occur. These symptoms can precede the outbreak of a rash. Other symptoms may include headache, lymph node swelling, vision and taste abnormalities, droopy eyelid, loss of eye motion, hearing loss, joint pain, genital lesions, and abdominal pain. The typical rash appears in 2 to 3 days, after the virus has reached the skin. It consists of ...

Varicella-Zoster IgG ELISA kit

rapidtest.com Infectious Disease ELISA kits: VARICELLA IgG ELISA kit ELISA kits manufacturer - ElLISA assays supplier: Diagnostic Automation/Cortez Diagnostics, Inc., Tel: 818-591 3030, USA.

If a person who has never been infected with the varicella-zoster virus comes in contact with a person who?

great question. i had chicken pox. very nasty. the zoster shot is not very effective for older people. my doc said it,s good about 40% of the time. my sister had shingles at age 4. she made medical history. i guess we,re both covered by immunity. i,m 63. i,d ask a doc. you don,t any of these things.Do your own homework.Chicken Pox.

Orignal From: What are the symptoms of shingles?

Herpes simplex virus

Herpes simplex virus

About herpesvirus

Herpes Q&A # 1 Answers to common questions about Herpes

Due to the high volume of questions and comments I have received about herpes, I have produced a series of videos answering the most commonly asked questions. (more)
Video Rating: 4 / 5

herpes simplex

Image by Eric J Scott

Orignal From: Herpes simplex virus

What does Shingles affect?

What does Shingles affect?

As you have so rightly stated, Shingles is a skin rash caused by the same virus that causes chickenpox. The Varicella zoster virus – VZV which is a double-stranded DNA virus in the Alphaherpesvirinae subfamily. After primary infection, VZV remains dormant in the posterior spinal ganglia or cranial sensory ganglia for life. It may subsequently reactivate as the virus migrates down these sensory nerves, or less commonly along the anterior and posterior horn cells, leptomeninges, and peripheral nerves. Herpes zoster, or shingles, is the most common presentation of reactivated VZV. The vast majority of cases of shingles occur in adults. Patients report a prodromal illness of pain, pruritus, burning, and/or parasthesias. Erythematous macules and papules develop along a single dermatome. The lesions progress to vesicles, crust and heal over. Pain and sensory loss are the most common symptoms, motor weakness may also occur if viral activity extends to involve the motor root. Variant forms exist including zoster multiplex, in which multiple dermatomes are simultaneously involved, and zoster sine herpete, in which neurologic symptoms exist without cutaneous vesicles. Diagnosis is based on the clinical presentation, if in doubt, then a skin scraping with Tzanck smear, viral fluid culture, or polymerase chain reaction (PCR) evaluation can confirm diagnosis. Treatment with antivirals (acyclovir, valacyclovir, famciclovir) reduce the severity and duration of symptoms if initiated within the first 3 days of therapy. Topical therapy with cool water compresses, calamine lotion, and analgesics may provide significant symptomatic relief. Use of corticosteroids is controversial. A varicella zoster vaccine is available reducing the incidence of chickenpox and herpes zoster. Most cases of zoster are mild and self-limited, but in some cases, pain in the affected dermatome may persist long after cutaneous lesions have resolved, termed postherpetic neuralgia (PHN). Risk factors for PHN are advanced age, brachial/trigeminal involvement, severe prodromal pain, and severe rash. Early treatment of zoster has been shown to decrease the incidence of PHN, some believe that active herpes zoster sets up a positive feedback loop, creating a central pain syndrome similar to phantom leg. In some patients, areas of scarring or hypopigmentation may be present. Natural history of PHN is slow resolution of symptoms, but numerous treatment options are available including tricyclic antidepressants, anticonvulsants, anesthetics, analgesics, corticosteroids, and antiviral agents. Combination therapy with gabapentine and nortriptyline is particularly effective. Ramsay Hunt syndrome, or herpes zoster oticus, is a reactivation of VZV involving the facial nerve. Cranial nerves V, VI, VIII, and IX may also be involved. Patients initially report pain deep within the ear that radiates to the pinna. The infection then produces vesiculations and ulcerations of the external ear and ipsilateral anterior two thirds of the tongue and soft palate. Ipsilateral lower motor neuron facial paresis/palsy, vertigo, hearing loss, tinnitus, headaches, otalgia, dysarthria, gait ataxia, fever, and/or cervical adenopathy may also develop. Diagnosis is usually made on clinical grounds. Treatment involves corticosteroids and oral acyclovir. Prognosis is good, but less than 50% of patients have complete recovery of the facial nerve. Herpes zoster ophthalmicus is a latent VZV infection involving the ophthalmic division of the trigeminal nerve. It accounts for 10% to 25% of all cases of shingles. The reactivated VZV may travel down the ophthalmic division to the nasociliary nerve, which innervates the tip of the nose and surface of the globe of the eye. The initial presenting symptoms of ocular involvement may include eye pain, red eye, decreased vision, and tearing. A zoster rash on the tip, side, or root of the nose is referred to as the Hutchinson sign and heralds ocular involvement. Subsequently significant inflammatory changes (eg keratitis, scleritis, iritis, orbital vasculitis), nerve damage (eg ocular motor palsies, neurotrophic keratitis), and tissue scarring (eg lid deformities, neuralgia) may develop and cause vision loss in the affected eye. Treatment typically involves early antiviral therapy and topical steroid eye drops to reduce inflammation. Antibiotics, cycloplegics, and glaucoma medications may be used on a case-by-case basis depending on subsequent complications. VZV may also be responsible for aseptic meningitis and encephalitis following varicella or zoster. VZV has also been identified as the third most common cause after herpes virus and enterovirus. Classic meningeal signs of headache, neck stiffness, and photophobia are present with or without a preceding rash. In VZV encephalitis, patients usually present with delirium days to months after a vesicular eruption. In both VZV meningitis and encephalitis, patients typically have pleocytosis and elevated protein on cerebrospinal fluid analysis (CSF). PCR analysis of CSF may be able to amplify and diagnose VZV infection. Prompt treatment with high-dose intravenous acyclovir on an empiric basis is typically the standard of care. I wish you well with your 'project!'


It is extremely important to obtain an accurate diagnosis before trying to find a cure. Many diseases and conditions share common symptoms.

The information provided here should not be used during any medical emergency or for the diagnosis or treatment of any medical condition. A licensed physician should be consulted for diagnosis and treatment of any and all medical conditions.

Hope this helps
matador 89

Orignal From: What does Shingles affect?

Virologi: Obat antiretroviral, Penyakit viral, Virus, Rabies, Demam berdarah, Vaksin, Herpes zoster, Chikungunya, Herpes genitali, Parvovirus (Indonesian Edition)

Virologi: Obat antiretroviral, Penyakit viral, Virus, Rabies, Demam berdarah, Vaksin, Herpes zoster, Chikungunya, Herpes genitali, Parvovirus (Indonesian Edition)

Zoster Virus - click on the image below for more information.

Sumber: Wikipedia. Halaman: 27. Bab: Obat antiretroviral, Penyakit viral, Virus, Rabies, Demam berdarah, Vaksin, Herpes zoster, Chikungunya, Herpes genitali, Parvovirus, Campak, Lentivirus, Kondiloma Akuminata, Virus papiloma manusia, Virus Hanta, Orthomyxoviridae, Virus herpes simpleks, Rubela, Virus DNA, Virus polio, Sitomegalovirus, Siklus litik, Koronavirus, Virus varicella-zoster, Virus mosaik tembakau, Virus Epstein-Barr, Adenoviridae, Epigallocatechin gallate, Virus Marburg, Penyakit sere

Virologi: Obat antiretroviral, Penyakit viral, Virus, Rabies, Demam berdarah, Vaksin, Herpes zoster, Chikungunya, Herpes genitali, Parvovirus (Indonesian Edition)

Click on the button for more Zoster Virus information and reviews.

Use Plant Medicine to Eliminate Pain from Shingles

Article by Vita Li

Varicella zoster (shingles) is a virus, a member of the herpesvirus group, not to be confused with herpes simplex. Varicella zoster is often called herpes zoster, zoster or shingles. It has been recognized since ancient times, however, it was often confused with smallpox. Varicella zoster virus (VZV) becomes latent after a primary infection (chickenpox) or vaccination. Anyone who has had chickenpox or varicella vaccine can develop varicella zoster. The virus remains dormant or inactive and only when it reactivates does zoster occur.About fifteen percent to twenty percent of individuals who have had chickenpox will develop varicella zoster at some time during their lives. The incidence of post-vaccination varicella zoster is currently unknown. The first symptom of varicella zoster is typically pain ranging from mild to severe caused by acute neuritis due to the reactivation of varicella zoster virus in the dorsal root ganglia. Within a few days swelling or redness of the skin appears along with clusters of clear vesicles which develop into blisters.They do not normally cross the midline (non-disseminated) but may be disseminated in individuals who are immunocompromised or have malignant tumors. Disseminated varicella zoster rarely occurs in healthy individuals. Maternal varicella zoster does not pose a risk for severe varicella in the neonate. The most common areas affected are those supplied by the trigeminal nerve and thoracic ganglia leading to lesions around the chest, abdomen, and eyes. Complications such as bacterial infections, corneal opacification, and postherpetic neuralgia can cause lingering problems and may occasionally be debilitating.Varicella zoster is not directly transmitted person to person. But individuals who are non-immune to chickenpox and are exposed to fluid of skin lesions (direct contact) or by respiratory droplets may develop chickenpox. Varicella zoster is caused by a reactivation of varicella zoster virus that has been latent for a few to many years in a person with previous chickenpox disease. Persons with varicella zoster may be sources of infection for a week after the appearance of the lesions; however, zoster is much less contagious than chickenpox.Persons with varicella zoster may be sources of infection for a week after the appearance of the lesions; however, zoster is much less contagious than chickenpox. The virus that causes zoster can only be passed on to individuals who are not immune to chickenpox. Those individuals develop chickenpox, not varicella zoster. Persons susceptible to chickenpox should be considered potentially infectious for up to twenty one days following exposure to varicella zoster. Varicella zoster occurs in persons who have had chickenpox or varicella vaccine.It has been suggested that reactivation is dependent on a balance between the host and virus factors. Persons who are elderly and individuals who are immunocompromised have a higher incidence of varicella zoster. There have also been reported cases of shingles in children less than two years of age whose mothers had chickenpox during pregnancy. The incidence of varicella zoster and postherpetic neuralgia both increase with age. Approximately thirty percent of the elderly suffer postherpetic neuralgia. There is some evidence that almost ten percent of children under treatment for malignant neoplasm are prone to develop varicella zoster, as are persons with HIV. The diagnosis of varicella zoster is generally made by history and physical examination. Laboratory tests are not routinely required, but may be useful in complicated cases. Natural treatment provides immediate herpes zoster pain relief.Natural plant medicine is a revolutionary medical treatment for shingles. Independent, published medical studies provide quantitative proof that the ingredients in plant medicine deactivates the herpes zoster virus which causes shingles on contact. Plant medicine for herpes zoster is pure, all natural, and certified organic. It represents the safest, most efficient, and affordable means available to eliminate shingles outbreaks. Plant medicine for shingles is recommended by more non-profit medical establishments and doctors than any other treatment.Plant medicine for shingles works immediately upon application and usually there is no recurrence of outbreaks while using this treatment. Natural treatments are lipophilic and can be absorbed into your bloodstream easily. When treating sensitive skin make sure to use treatments made from certified organic medicinal plant extracts - free from toxic herbicides, pesticides and fertilizers. Only use of certified organic ingredients guarantees your safety. Use plant medicine to eliminate the rash, pain, and irritation from shingles. To learn more, please go to http://www.fonworld.org.

Orignal From: Virologi: Obat antiretroviral, Penyakit viral, Virus, Rabies, Demam berdarah, Vaksin, Herpes zoster, Chikungunya, Herpes genitali, Parvovirus (Indonesian Edition)

Herpes medication usage?

Herpes medication usage?

it could be famvir. it's the only fda approved one day only drug used to treat genital herpes and cold sores. there is either a 2,ooo milligram pill taken just once, or 1,ooo milligram taken twice in one day. it would be likely for the doctor to make a diagnosis based on clinical presentation only. to do an actual test for herpes would take to long for the results to come back for the drug to be of any use.Herpes should NEVER be diagnosed visually!

Razor burn, boils, cysts, ingrown hairs, etc can all imitate herpes sores. The proper way to diagnose herpes is to either take a culture of any sores present during an outbreak or by taking a blood sample.

I'm a little worried that the doctor gave your boyfriend medication without a positive herpes diagnosis.

I would tell your boyfriend to go to a different doctor and have them take a blood sample. However, a blood sample can give a false-negative result. It depends how much of the virus is in the blood at that time. That's why its better for people who are experiencing outbreaks to have a culture taken ASAP. Those results will be a lot more accurate.lol, you cant get rid of herpes. Lol, one time use. Lol!

Orignal From: Herpes medication usage?


Pain Didactic: Herpes Zoster and PHN - Pt 1

Pain Didactic: Herpes Zoster and PHN - Pt 1

Pain Didactic: Herpes Zoster and Post-Herpetic Neuralgia Parts 1 - 5 Ronald Kaplan, MD Attending Physician Department of Pain Medicine and Palliative Care Program Director of the Pain Medicine Fellowship Training Program, and Professor of Clinical Anesthesiology, Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Video Rating: 0 / 5

Bovine herpesvirus
herpes medicine

Image by AJC1

Can any medicine prevent detecting herpes in swab test?

Unfortunately, antibiotics only work against bacteria. They have no effect on viruses.

The viral culture test can definitely give you a false negative result. The test is most accurate when tissue is sampled from an active sore and not a scab. A false negative can also happen if the herpes viruses died on the way to the laboratory. The herpes virus is fragile so this happens sometimes.

There is also the possibility that you really do not have herpes. You could request a blood antibody test to confirm your negative result.

Orignal From: Pain Didactic: Herpes Zoster and PHN - Pt 1

Biologics do not increase herpes zoster risk.(NEWS): An article from: Skin & Allergy News Reviews

Biologics do not increase herpes zoster risk.(NEWS): An article from: Skin & Allergy News

Zoster Virus - click on the image below for more information.

This digital document is an article from Skin & Allergy News, published by International Medical News Group on July 1, 2011. The length of the article is 482 words. The page length shown above is based on a typical 300-word page. The article is delivered in HTML format and is available immediately after purchase. You can view it with any web browser.

Citation Details
Title: Biologics do not increase herpes zoster risk.(NEWS)
Author: Bruce Jancin
Publication: Skin & Allergy News (

Biologics do not increase herpes zoster risk.(NEWS): An article from: Skin & Allergy News

Click on the button for more Zoster Virus information and reviews.

Orignal From: Biologics do not increase herpes zoster risk.(NEWS): An article from: Skin & Allergy News Reviews

A cure for herpes?

A cure for herpes?

Do we have to wait for a physical cure for herpes in order to be truly happy? Nope. You already have the cure for what ails ya. herpeslife.com
Video Rating: 5 / 5

Orignal From: A cure for herpes?

when do most people who have herpes test positive for having it?

when do most people who have herpes test positive for having it?

When they have an outbreak. Some people never have an outbreak, and therefore, never request to be tested. Also, if you don't have an outbreak, the only way to be tested is thru blood and that's not 100% accurate. It took me months before I had my first outbreak so I had no idea until then. It all depends on the person.Herpes test suck.. Seriously... They have a high false negatvie rate.

It is really a clinical diagnosis. BListers that burn and itch, probably herpesIn general, you can test positive once incubation is over - and that is 6 - 26 days after infection.

Orignal From: when do most people who have herpes test positive for having it?

GENITAL HERPES and WARTS CURE (Did alot of research 5 yrs ago and cured my fiance of both)?

GENITAL HERPES and WARTS CURE (Did alot of research 5 yrs ago and cured my fiance of both)?

my bad on the DMSO, DO NOT PUT THAT ON HERPES BLISTERS!! I didn't type that correctly. DMSO is only for use on HPV Warts

**MATT**- Antibiotics dont do anything to viruses, Im sure u know that they work on bacterial infections
And it does work, just because its not manufactured and come in a little pill dosent mean it dont work, it means it cant be patented. This is just a list of vitamins/supplements that are known to be effective against viruses, when combined in high doses it boost ur immune system and the virus goes dormat.
From what I have heard the little pharmaceutical pill they make for people with herpes dosent work well at all, and cost a fortune even with insurance, and the people that take it still get outbreaks. like I said its a known fact that all these supplements/vitamins all have either anti-viral properties or immune boosting properties. And I have only used this on my Fiance 5 yrs ago and when he started this 2 week "regiman" 5yrs ago it was the last outbreak he ever had.
Oh and by the way DMSO is topical, it cures stuff in a dermatologist office, it "cured" my fiance, by cured I mean he has had no signs or symptoms of it sense he did this. You think I care if all these people get rid of their blistery virus? Im just trying to help. take it or leave it I dont care, if u like living with your genital blisters then go for it...Im all for it...enjoy ur blisters matt
To anyone else out there who doubts it then look up each specific supplement and check for yourself!!You want a cure for another STD, how about antibiotics?

Herbal supplements are not going to cure STDs, unless they are topical and capable of clearing on their own.Congratulations!!! I don't have any need for this or too many suggestions but I've had much better luck with self healing alternative techniques than I ever did with doctors. All the doctor's drugs had side effects that caused more problems than the original problem.

I would have recommended adding topical iodine

For anyone with health issues, I recommend daily

a *minimum* of 10,000iu of vitD3 daily
a *minimum* of 5,000mg of vit C daily taken continuously throughout the day - esterC is better
marine beta carotene from dunaliella, spirulina and or chorella algaes
4 oysters daily for naturally occurring zinc
3 raw brazil nuts for naturally occurring selenium
raw sunflower seeds for naturally occurring vit E

I highly recommend researching

iodine supplementation with supportive supplements
D-Mannose, an alternative to antibiotics for UTI Urinary Tract Infections, Bladder Infections and Interstitial Cystitis
clay - I've hard amazing results with topical pascalite clay on bacterial infections

I am highly sensitive to sugar & eating 5 dried prunes will cause bacterial infections everywhere. I can usually knock out an infection with massive doses of garlic oil but this didn't work on the UTI - neither did massive doses of iodine but the D-Mannose did - I was shocked in the past untreated UTI travel up into the kidneys causing a kidney infection.

Orignal From: GENITAL HERPES and WARTS CURE (Did alot of research 5 yrs ago and cured my fiance of both)?



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Video Rating: 3 / 5

How would anyone know if they have genital herpes type 1 since this test result usually means lip sores?

HSV 1 typically affects the mouth and HSV 2 typically affects the genitals. But either one COULD possibly affect either area. I beleive swabbing the area on your genitals where you are noticing the tingling would be the best way to find out if you have it down below as well. Definetly get back to the doc and ask more questions! Here's a site all about herpes, there is a lot more to it then people know.



I'm ridiculously bored?

I'm ridiculously bored?

same story as you... without the herpes...play usless games on the compalluc.org

type that in as your URL

Watch whatever you want! It's got everything [=

Orignal From: I'm ridiculously bored?

Varicella Zoster Virus and Shingles?

Varicella Zoster Virus and Shingles?

Varicella-zoster virus (VZV) is the cause of chickenpox and herpes zoster (also called shingles). Chickenpox follows initial exposure to the virus and is typically a relatively mild, self-limited childhood illness with a characteristic exanthem.

After primary infection, VZV remains dormant in sensory nerve roots for life. Upon reactivation, the virus migrates down the sensory nerve to the skin, causing the characteristic painful dermatomal rash of shingles. After resolution, many individuals continue to experience pain in the distribution of the rash (postherpetic neuralgia). In addition, reactivation of VZV infection can cause a spectrum of atypical presentations, ranging from self-limited radicular pain without rash to spinal cord disease with weakness.

The host immunologic mechanisms suppress replication of the virus. Reactivation can occur if host immune mechanisms are compromised. This may be caused by medications, illness, malnutrition, or by the natural decline in immune function with aging. Upon reactivation, the virus migrates along sensory nerves and produces sensory loss, pain, and other neurologic complications. If motor nerve roots are also involved, weakness can develop in addition to sensory changes. Leptomeningeal involvement is rare but may develop when the ophthalmic branch of the trigeminal nerve is involved.


Electron microscopic studies of the virus of varicella (chicken pox) from monkey serum

Zoster Virus - click on the image below for more information.

Electron microscopic studies of the virus of varicella (chicken pox) from monkey serum

Click on the button for more Zoster Virus information and reviews.

Orignal From: Varicella Zoster Virus and Shingles?

What does "negative" mean for a herpes test and AIDs test?

What does "negative" mean for a herpes test and AIDs test?

I'm pretty sure it means that you don't have either disease.it means the herpes test was good. as in, you do not have herpes...You/someone doesn't have herpes/AIDs.

Orignal From: What does "negative" mean for a herpes test and AIDs test?

i just found out i have herpes :( im scared! is there cure.. help!?

i just found out i have herpes :( im scared! is there cure.. help!?

There's no cure... sorry, but yes, keep spreading it... HAIL 666The questions you ask should have been asked with your Doctor! However, no cure! But there is hope! Many have married with this virus and live loving lives together! There is one other way you could try and that is faith healing. Even AIDS virus has been totally removed by faith in God! These are, by the way, documented and factual! As St. Paul said, "All things are possible with God" I figure it this way; if God can defy the first law of thermodynamics, He sure can do most anything! Will make a prediction: Many will see arms created where there were none! Some will see legs where there were no legs and God will create them for many! A boy with "26" documented diseases and no feet was totally healed in Chicago years ago. He did not even have sex organs, yet God gave him them. He had no pupils in his eyes. God gave them to him! All of this, except the sex organs, happened in less than half an hour! It was documented in the Chicago newpapers and 13 Doctors said it had to be a miracle. You did not get that from a toilet seat and God does not care about your past.. He does care about your future! He forgives all our past and can heal you. Just ask! Oh, two years later, God gave the boy his sex organs. That happened in Chicago and it can happen to you, anywhere you are! The AIDS cures are also a matter of record! They happened all over the world. He is not a respector of anyone,, He will heal you...I can lead you in a prayer of healing if you want... My e-mail address is listed and from there we could chat. Then I could get your phone number or you can have mine and call. Be sure to go to the Doctor and ask him the OTHER questions! I know, it never will happen to us! I am thankful it has not to me long ago. God bless. EarlDon't give it to someone you love on purpose. That would be incredibly mean and selfish!

Orignal From: i just found out i have herpes :( im scared! is there cure.. help!?

How likely is it, that the herpes virus can be transmitted during oral sex if there's no outbreak present in a?

How likely is it, that the herpes virus can be transmitted during oral sex if there's no outbreak present in a?

Very unlikely.It is not very likely to get it if no outbreak is presented to the effected area.very

Orignal From: How likely is it, that the herpes virus can be transmitted during oral sex if there's no outbreak present in a?

im in middle of herpes outbreak and it hurts like hell. what can i do to ease the pain?

herpes ointment
by Creap

im in middle of herpes outbreak and it hurts like hell. what can i do to ease the pain?

A cotton ball soaked in gasolinenothing eases it but the medication given by, a doctor sorry it,s trueYou have to go to the Doctor , that's all.

Orignal From: im in middle of herpes outbreak and it hurts like hell. what can i do to ease the pain?

When is the best time to test for Herpes?

When is the best time to test for Herpes?

once you get herpes you have it forever. my uncle has it now i thing for over 40 some years. and what he does he just spread it to someone else. so now you know why you have to have them suit the dragon up. The best time to get tested for herpes is when you actually have an outbreak. Blood tests can be inaccurate with common false positives and they also don't always pick up the virus either.

Orignal From: When is the best time to test for Herpes?


New varicella postexposure prophylaxis available.(Disease/Disorder overview): An article from: Internal Medicine News

New varicella postexposure prophylaxis available.(Disease/Disorder overview): An article from: Internal Medicine News

Zoster Virus - click on the image below for more information.

This digital document is an article from Internal Medicine News, published by Thomson Gale on May 1, 2006. The length of the article is 579 words. The page length shown above is based on a typical 300-word page. The article is delivered in HTML format and is available in your Amazon.com Digital Locker immediately after purchase. You can view it with any web browser.

Citation Details
Title: New varicella postexposure prophylaxis available.(Disease/Disorder overview)
Author: Kate John

New varicella postexposure prophylaxis available.(Disease/Disorder overview): An article from: Internal Medicine News

Click on the button for more Zoster Virus information and reviews.

Orignal From: New varicella postexposure prophylaxis available.(Disease/Disorder overview): An article from: Internal Medicine News

The Action Movie that was Action-Packed with Action

The Action Movie that was Action-Packed with Action

It iz a rly gud muviee

Pete's Basement Episode 3 - 01.22.08

Pete's straight dope on shady ebay sellers. Ramon fears for his life at the hands of Upper Deck. Adam's herpes are nearly gone! Thanks Jersey City Medical Center!
Video Rating: 5 / 5

Orignal From: The Action Movie that was Action-Packed with Action

How to stop Herpes Outbreaks: Watch this video now!

How to stop Herpes Outbreaks: Watch this video now!

www.FightHerpes.Com - Stop herpes outbreaks and fight Herpes virus! Deta is patented in United States alternative to medication or gel-based approach to herpes outbreaks. It has no associated side effects, and was developed for military special forces. Tested in 48 clinics, has over 160 linical study reports and patents pending in 70+ counties. Check it out!

Orignal From: How to stop Herpes Outbreaks: Watch this video now!

Ok if you drink after someone who has herpes but is taking meds for it can you get herpes.?

Ok if you drink after someone who has herpes but is taking meds for it can you get herpes.?

as long as the herpes were not "broken out" when you drank the drink then you're fine.You do mean a cold sore, oral herpes, rather then the sexual kind, and I'm assuming he actually had an outbreak at the time then yes. If he has the STD kind or wasn't having an outbreak at the time then no. There's nothing to worry about.OK take a couple of deep breath and calm down...
You're not likely to get herpes from drinking after some one that has oral herpes (what causes cold sores). You're not going to get the genital type of herpes this way. Herpes doesn't last for more then seconds on objects and it doesn't survive for long periods of time in fluids.
It also doesn't show up the next day, it takes about a week to show symptoms. Also if there was no out break you're not likely to get it from sharing drinks. Medication helps to suppress the virus and it helps to prevent viral shedding, spreading herpes while there are no symptoms.
You're itchy skin could be an unrelated coincidence. You're skin would be itchy around your lips or mouth if you happened to contract it. You may also get some burning and or tingling symptoms also around your mouth usually in one spot around the mouth or on the lips.

Orignal From: Ok if you drink after someone who has herpes but is taking meds for it can you get herpes.?

Gale Encyclopedia of Alternative Medicine: Shingles

Gale Encyclopedia of Alternative Medicine: Shingles

Zoster Virus - click on the image below for more information.

The article is excerpted from Gale Encyclopedia of Alternative Medicine.
"Gale's products are known to be thorough, well-researched, and good reference tools. This item is no exception...
This is a valuable resource for readers who are seeking information on complementary medicine and herbal remedies. The scope of this encyclopedia is comprehensive, but not definitive. Readers should use this as a supplement,.to professional healthcare consultation. This source has been a long-aw

Gale Encyclopedia of Alternative Medicine: Shingles

Click on the button for more Zoster Virus information and reviews.

Orignal From: Gale Encyclopedia of Alternative Medicine: Shingles

Can the herpes simplex 1 virus survive in the refridgerator on meat?

Can the herpes simplex 1 virus survive in the refridgerator on meat?

who would know this? lol - what a perculiar question. made me laugh...um, i dont think so- especially if it was reheated.It's infected. Toss it out the window! NOW! >=O

Honestly, I'd rather not eat it after it being herpes infected.

Orignal From: Can the herpes simplex 1 virus survive in the refridgerator on meat?

Herpes treatment please.? ...?

Herpes treatment please.? ...?

I spent lots of time and research looking this up myself. There aren't may options. There this stuff called Herpecin and H-Balm and other related stuff I have never tried myself. If its a cold sore on your mouth Abreva worked pretty well for me. If its genital - what worked for me is 2 1,000mg lysine in the morning and 2 at night. Epsom salt and tea tree oil bath for 15-30 mins every other day. Using corn starch on a cotton ball throughout the day to keep it dry. Crushing up tylenol pm (u can put it in a baggie and use a hammer) mixing it with a TINY bit of hot water and cold sore medication (most people recommend Abreva but i've used L-Lysine+ cream its like 7 bucks instead and it worked fine for me) - put it on over the infected area right before you go to bed (i used a blow dryer to help dry it 1st). Sounds crazy i know but it worked for me.

- also Ive been experimenting with mixing crushed lysene with the tylenol pm
-and it will hurt when you 1st put the mix on as a warning - cuz the site failed to mention that

Orignal From: Herpes treatment please.? ...?

How long can STDs live outside the body?

How long can STDs live outside the body?

As far as i Know you STD's cannot live outside of the human hostThey don't live for long periods of time, specially herpes it dies very quickly after leaving the body. You're not likely to get a virus or std from just touching some thing they used, even if they didn't wash their hands. It's possible but not too common to have herpes away from the mouth or genitals.

Orignal From: How long can STDs live outside the body?


For Hiv, Cancer, And Herpes, real hope exists today

For Hiv, Cancer, And Herpes, real hope exists today

Bob Beck intro to blood electrification video.google.ca Sota instruments www.sotainstruments.com Robert barefoot healthy supplement www.shopbobsbest.com I sincerely believe these products along with proper diet, sleep, and cardio exercise no matter what the illness, can be changed. Thanks Richard CFT
Video Rating: 5 / 5

Orignal From: For Hiv, Cancer, And Herpes, real hope exists today

The Difference Between Canker Sores and Herpes [DermTV.com Epi #103]

The Difference Between Canker Sores and Herpes [DermTV.com Epi #103]

It happens to everyone: you get a sore in your mouth, and then you hear a stat thrown around along the lines of, "two thirds of everyone has herpes" So is your sore just a sore (eg, a canker sore) or is it herpes? Dr. Schultz explains the difference between the two.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Does anyone else wonder why anyone would ever use that herpes medication they advertise on tv all the time?

What I want to know is how much they pay people to go on TV and say, "I have genital herpes." And do they actually have it, or are they just actors who really, really need work?Well, 1 out of 3, women have Herpes, and 1 out of 4 men have herpes, and many people with Herpes are using Valtrex Daily. It is possible never to give your partner herpes. I have had genital herpes for 7 years, and my husband shows no symptoms, but has not gotten the blood test, so he has No idea, but he's not overly worried to find out. I've made up my mind I will not use Valtrex. Why should I use a medicine that will slowly damage my liver to treat an annoying rash that shows up maybe every few monthes. I've been trying Lysine Supplements, which they say are effective in curbing outbreaks. (did I mention I didn't know I had Herpes till about a year ago, yeh, that was so nice to find out. If I had a choice I'd rather not know and just thing it was a normal little bump that came when I got my period.) I think more people should stand up and say I have Herpes, because I'm just a normal person! I'm not dirty or disgusting. I hate the whole stereotype about people with herpes, but I may have been guilty of saying some of the same things and unknowingly had herpes the whole time! I'm dealing with my own issues about it, I'm not happy about it, and I'd like it to go away...NOW! But, it's so much more common then you think and I believe it should come out of the dark a bit, and not be such a shocker. No More, run hide, don't touch him or her, eww. Anyway, just my thoughts.

Orignal From: The Difference Between Canker Sores and Herpes [DermTV.com Epi #103]

i have lip herpes and i still get outbreaks how can i get rid of them ?

i have lip herpes and i still get outbreaks how can i get rid of them ?

you have a bad caseWell, acyclovir is the right way to go. Another very important, very effective thing you can take is called L-Lysine. It is an over-the-counter supplement found at any drug store with the vitamins and has been proven to lessen outbreaks and shorten healing times. Try taking 1000mg daily when you don't have an outbreak, and 6000mg daily when you do. You can also take valacyclovir (Valtrex) when you get an outbreak to shorten your healing time. you take it for only one day, right when the tingling starts, four pills right away and 4 more pills 12 hours later. Ask your doctor for a prescription. Abreva also helps. It is an over-the-counter lip ointment available at the drug store, and is the only over-the-counter ointment approved by the FDA to shorten healling times for oral herpes outbreaks.

The other thing you can do is change the things that bring on your outbreaks. Lower your daily stress because stress can bring on an outbreak. Avoid wind and strong sun, because they can bring on an outbreak too. Being sick, like with the flu, also can bring on an outbreak, so stay healthy and take plenty of vitamin C, 1000mg a day. High dose vitamin C can also treat a herpes outbreak, but start with 1000mg a day to help keep your immune system healthy.

I hope this helps. Feel free to ask me any other questions.

http://www.examiner.com/x-32807-Modesto-First-Aid-and-Safety-ExaminerYou don't have to use acyclovir for cold sores. If it's a mild out break then you can use some Abreva or Lipactin, available over the counter at your local pharmacy. Apply one of those creams regularly until the sore heals.

Orignal From: i have lip herpes and i still get outbreaks how can i get rid of them ?

If its been 9 yrs since you had any sexial contact who had genital herpes and takes medication?

If its been 9 yrs since you had any sexial contact who had genital herpes and takes medication?

You poor thing. You don't seem to be able to spell or put together a coherent sentence. Maybe you should but sex on the back burner and work harder on your English homework.I've known several couples, in which one had GH,who practiced safe sex techniques and in all cases the other person ended up getting GH.If you didn't have any symptoms or break outs by now then chances are you don't have it. But some times people can have herpes with out having any signs or symptoms. You can always get a test for herpes done by your doctor to confirm if you have it or not.
Just commenting on spelling and grammar can be funny but really doesn't help.

Orignal From: If its been 9 yrs since you had any sexial contact who had genital herpes and takes medication?

STD facts for teens about unprotected sex.?

STD facts for teens about unprotected sex.?

There is a 100% cahnce taht if you are between the ages of 13 and 19 and you have unprotected sex, you will DIE

Orignal From: STD facts for teens about unprotected sex.?

why can't I use cold sore medicine on genital herpes?

why can't I use cold sore medicine on genital herpes?

Herpes on your face are a different kind of herpes. But ask your doctor, maybe it would work.just treat your genital herpes with stuff thats specific for treating that. Genital herpes is a different virus than herpes simplex, you need to get the proper antiviral.Although they're both herpes viruses, they are different strains of the virus. You need a systemic medication for the genital herpes to work through your blood stream.

Orignal From: why can't I use cold sore medicine on genital herpes?

Does simplex herpes show up on blood tests?

Does simplex herpes show up on blood tests?

No it does not register on a blood test. A culture must be taken of an open lesion or blister. You can have herpes and not test positive for it if you delay going to the doctor, so as soon as you feel the lesions, go to the doctor immediately, or you can have a false negative.Yes, if that is what your doctor is testing for. There is a specific blood test that can test for both Herpes Simplex I, and Herpes Simplex 2. (Typically referred to in medical communities as HSV-1 and HSV-2). In response to the virus the body produces antibodies, the blood test checks for the presence of these antibodies. If the antibodies are present for HSV-1, then you've been exposed to and most likely carry that virus, the same for HSV-2.

Both HSV-1 and HSV-2 can cause genital sores, however HSV-2 is the virus genreally associated with HSV-2. HSV-1 causes cold sores around the mouth, but as a I stated, can cause sores on the genitalia.

A doctor may recommend a culture of a sore when an outbreak occurs to double check the diagnoses, and help with treatment.

So yes, there is a bloodtest, and it can differentiate between the two strains.

Orignal From: Does simplex herpes show up on blood tests?

Very Personal Question (graphic, sorry)?

Very Personal Question (graphic, sorry)?

Don't completely discount herpes. Every one is different and you may not have the terrible outbreak initially that many people have. Tingling, burning, itch, numbness and stinging are all symptoms associated with herpes. Shingles is not the same virus and would not go from the face to the groin. Also there can be years between outbreaks. If you see your doc during one of the times you have symptoms, call for an immediate appointment if you have to, to rule out herpes and she still finds nothing I think you can relax. The human body is a funny thing and weird sensations are not always cause for concern. The pap shows many things and a plain wet mount slide shows most yeast, trich and bv. Odors are common.To be honest, it could be herpes. Sometimes you can develop it fast, sometimes it takes a long time. It just doesn't show up afterwards. That's why some people do not realize that they have herpes or any diseases for that matter. They do confuse it for something else. A lot of STD's happen this way.

Pap tests are usually to check for HPV or cancer. Unless you ask them to check down there for any STD's it's usually not something they test for.

Orignal From: Very Personal Question (graphic, sorry)?

What are these recurring tiny blisters that itch like crazy around the tips of and in between my fingers?

What are these recurring tiny blisters that itch like crazy around the tips of and in between my fingers?

it could be herpes whitlow but i don't think it is that. somebody else just recently posted about this. are they tiny and clear? or do they get red with bigger blisters? herpes whitlow, i think, can get pretty severe. i used to get these tiny clear things on the side of my fingers and on the palm of my hand. you're right that it comes when you are stressed or your immune system is low. i think it shows that it is an imbalance in your body (like yeast or acid balance). There is no name for the tiny blister thing--and I think they just come and go.Dermatitis. Go to your local doctor, and get a RX. Worked for me.No question about it, they are eczema. A skin rash,Not herpes, that occurs mostly under stress and mostly on the hands, but can be anywhere. It's tendency is inherited because my Mom, my one sister, and I all have it. It can be triggered by chemicals, hair stuff, cleaning stuff etc., but it usually occurs with stress. Do the tiny blisters break and itch and then turn to scaly skin? It's true that the more pustules you break open while itching, the more they spread. The skin can peel and bleed increasing the chance for infection-let alone the Pain. Try gentle creams with lidocaine, or any 'caine' product which will reduce itching. You may want to go to your Dr for prescription cream or discuss anti-anxiety meds.

Orignal From: What are these recurring tiny blisters that itch like crazy around the tips of and in between my fingers?


after how many days after getting infected by virus of herpes zoster or chicken pox a man fall ill ?

after how many days after getting infected by virus of herpes zoster or chicken pox a man fall ill ?

No that is not exactly true. Once you have herpes you can either experience out breaks through out your whole life, or you may only get one out break then your immune system can force the virus into dormancy. There is nothing to that will control when or who will get out breaks, unless you use suppressive therapies.
Herpes can show up as little as over night or it can take months even years to build antibodies and show symptoms.How to Tell if You Have Genital Warts
It is important once you become sexually active to educate yourself about the various sexually transmitted diseases that you can contract, especially if you have multiple partners. The incubation period for genital warts is just one of the things that you need to think about when you decide you are ready to have sexual intercourse with your partner. Most of the focus is on sexually transmitted diseases such as AIDs and Herpes, but because the HPV virus has different strains, it is best that you research this virus that can affect you in so many ways and not just during the incubation period for genital warts and beyond.

CHICKENPOX: An entry from UXL's UXL Complete Health Resource

Zoster Virus - click on the image below for more information.

This digital document is an article from UXL Complete Health Resource, brought to you by Gale®, a part of Cengage Learning, a world leader in e-research and educational publishing for libraries, schools and businesses. The length of the article is 1590 words. The article is delivered in HTML format and is available in your Amazon.com Digital Locker immediately after purchase. You can view it with any web browser. This award-winning resource covers the causes symptoms, diagnoses, tests, trea

CHICKENPOX: An entry from UXL's UXL Complete Health Resource

Click on the button for more Zoster Virus information and reviews.

Orignal From: after how many days after getting infected by virus of herpes zoster or chicken pox a man fall ill ?

natures cure book?

natures cure book?

yes, and not one recipe helped me, besides why mess with herpes when their are meds to put you in remission so you can have some safe fun, you know what I mean?! think about this one, this book could cause more harm than good.all those books are crap

Orignal From: natures cure book?



AUTO-HEMOTHERAPY IN HERPES CASES. THE STORY OF A DOCTOR IN FERME-NEUVE. CBC NEWS 1977. Medicine of Hope, part 2 THE STORY OF A DOCTOR IN FERME-NEUVE. CBC NEWS. On December 30, 1977, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation of Ottawa presented on national network television: "The Story of a Doctor in Ferme-Neuve". This television broadcast of Jocelyne Soulodre had an impact everywhere in Canada. AUTO-HEMOTHERAPY IN HERPES CASES. AIDS brought back to our consciousness the immune system that was a little relegated to darkness. Since its appearance, we now frequently speak about our autoimmune system, viruses, antigens, and antibodies. Type 1 labial herpes, commonly called wild fire, is a problem as old as the earth. It is very closely related by its roots to type II genital herpes. A few years before the discovery of the antiviral drug zovirax (acyclovir) in 1973 or 1974, for which a subsidy of million was paid, I developed by myself a treatment for labial herpes which does not cost anything and which has absolutely no side effect nor contraindication. A lady about thirty had been consulting me for the last 12 years for labial herpes. Three dermatologists and an allergist had not found any solutions for her problem. Eager to help this patient, I pondered about it for a long time when the idea came to me that her blood contained antigens against which it was necessary to find a way to act. By injecting antigens, the system would probably produce antibodies. I remembered ...

Equine Herpes Virus

In this "Ask The Vet" segment on Women's Pro Rodeo Today, Dr. Tiffany Hall, board certified in Internal Medicine, discusses neurologic herpes in horses. Financial assistance for the production of this video provided by Pfizer Animal Health.
Video Rating: 0 / 5

Shingles Lesions (Varicella Zoster, Trigeminal/Mandibular)
herpes medicine

Image by brownpau


STI's: gonorrhea, syphilis , herpes etc. stats & treatment (Brothers Heath Collective) Pt. 2

STI's: gonorrhea, syphilis , herpes etc. stats & treatment (Brothers Heath Collective) Pt. 2

Call (888) 855-3479 to talk to our American Sexual Health Association (ASHA) trained counselors - it's free! Did you know, the CDC estimates that at least 45 million people in the US have genital herpes and around 65% of Americans have oral herpes (cold sores). With those type of staticstics it's more important than ever to know your status and the status of your sexual partners. American Sexual Health Association (ASHA) trained counselors: (888) 855-3479 Join the thousands of people who have discovered the better, faster, private way to get tested for STDs... for half the cost of a doctor visit. (888) 855-3479 Physician-backed confidential STD testing, no insurance reporting STD testing at over 4000+ nationwide locations. In addition, we offer at-home STD testing for select STDs. We're the only company offering at-home STD testing for chlamydia, gonorrhea, and trichomonasis, and have more lab locations to test locally for STDs than anyone else on the market. (888) 855-3479 Physician-backed confidential STD testing, no insurance reporting Innovative testing options, including at-home testing Test today Offer treatment Highest accuracy available Free pre-screening symptoms counseling Free phone consult with a physician after test results 100% Satisfaction Guarantee American Sexual Health Association (ASHA) trained counselors Highly Competitive Pricing Comprehensive test options including HIV, chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, hepatitis b, hepatitis c, oral herpes, and ...

is it possible to have herpes out breaks but not show up in a blood test?

There is obviously the possibility that the Herpes test was a false negative. They occur about every 5,000 tests. It's when the test shows that the individual is negative for herpes, when, in actuality, they have it.

However, there are other conditions that could cause this, ingrown hairs, UTI's, and of course, other STD's that could of been false positives.


That's only 3 STD's that could cause your symptoms, maybe they didn't check for all of them.They need to do a culture of the sores to know for sure. If that is what you have though, it's not the terrible thing that people think it is. I have it and I'm not even mad at my bf over it. If you get Acyclovir you'll get rid of the bumps and itching in about 2 days and sometimes people don't even get a second outbreak.The fastest way to get diagnosed is for the doctor to culture sores, but the testing MUST take place 24-48 hours following the outbreak or you are very like to get a false negative result.

IF you are exhibiting symptoms, it is very possible that you are infected but your blood is not yet showing the antibodies for the herpes virus--which can differ according to your body's ability to fight the virus. Herpes often does NOT show up for 2 weeks-4 months following exposure to the virus. A reliable test result via the IgG type-specific herpes test (tests for both HSV-1-oral herpes/cold sores, and HSV-2-genital herpes--is usually 3 months following exposure to the virus.

The source below will answer a lot of your questions regarding testing. It is produced by one of the nation's best STD Clinics--is NOT spam, and is totally free. Many people have found it very helpful when discussing testing options and results with their doctors.

Hope this helps!

Orignal From: STI's: gonorrhea, syphilis , herpes etc. stats & treatment (Brothers Heath Collective) Pt. 2

How can I tell my bf to get an std/herpes test?

How can I tell my bf to get an std/herpes test?

Tell him you never sleep with people unless they've been tested. That should be a good subtle hint.you have herpes?o.O i'm so sorry.
and well XD just tell himJust tell him and explain to him why you want him to take the test.

Orignal From: How can I tell my bf to get an std/herpes test?

Only Natural Olive Leaf Extract, 90-Count Reviews

Only Natural Olive Leaf Extract, 90-Count

herpes products - click on the image below for more information.

  • Ancient healing wonder.
  • Only Natural Olive Leaf Extract has anti-viral properties and increases energy
  • Beneficial in the treatment of flu, colds, meningitis, Epstein-Barr virus, encephalitis, herpes I and II

Ancient healing wonder. Olive Leaf Extract 700mg 90 Capsule by Only Natural Olive Leaf Extract has anti-viral properties, increases energy, and may be beneficial in the treatment of flu, colds, meningitis, Epstein-Barr virus, encephalitis, herpes I and II, shingles (Herpes Zoster), HIV, AIDS, chronic fatigue, hepatitis B, pneumonia, tuberculosis, gonorrhea, malaria, diarrhea, blood poisoning, hemorrhoids, fever, and dental, ear, urinary tract and surgical infections.

Only Natural Olive Leaf Extract, 90-Count

Click on the button for more herpes products information and reviews.

Testing For Herpes

Article by Ashton Karbizeg

Occasionally, one does not know what one particular is searching for. This is a general reality for just about anything at all, from some thing as superficial as buying, to issues of man or woman and public well being. That is to say, with STD screening sexually lively persons do not generally know what they are looking for. Visits to the clinic for screenings can be spurred by indicators or as an aspect of a regimen. Herpes is 1 of the most commonly checked for STD. in fact, it is assumed that almost 50 % of all sexually active older people in the United States are probable to have herpes antibodies.

What is Herpes?

A herpes simplex virus (HSV) infection is marked by a cluster of modest agonizing blisters on or near the skin of the genitals, or in some instances, the mouth, urethra, rectum and or tissue lining the throat or nose. There are two varieties of herpes simplex viruses, HSV1 and HS2. HSV1 is most frequently know as cold sores or fever blisters. Found on the lips, HSB1 is usually transmitted while kissing or sharing consuming utensils with another person getting an outbreak. HSV1 can lead to blisters all-around the genitals.

HSV2 is referred to as genital herpes, due to the fact the blisters increase on and or about the vagina or penis. But, HSV2 can result in mouth sores, as an outcome of unprotected oral sex. In addition, pregnant mothers with genital herpes can infect their unborn babies if delivered vaginally.


Ordinarily, medical professionals carry out HSV exams by examining the blisters situated on the genitals. Nevertheless, due to the fact there are cases of HSV infecting other system areas, which includes the eye and brain, a check can be completed utilizing samples of blood, urine, or tears. Ahead of browsing a well being treatment provider and being examined, an affected individual could locate it helpful, possibly even empowering, to understand how numerous checks are accessible, how they perform, and which most matches his or her desires. Currently being informed, observant, and unafraid to request inquiries can make the practical experience of sharing personalized facts, like ones sexual background, may possibly make the testing knowledge additional productive.

Herpes Testing 4 Strategies

To decide if sores or blisters existing on a sexually active person are brought about by HSV for sorts of checks can be executed. The ideal system of identifying a genital herpes infection is by taking a way of life sample. This is done by swabbing cells or fluid from an afresh blister. As efficient as this test is, some individuals acquire untrue-detrimental results. For additional security an antigen detection check can be done together with a viral culture. An antigen calls for scrapping cells from a fresh new blister and examining them less than a microscope. Due to the fact herpes has a dormant time period, when no blisters are visible, a different testing choice is a polymerase chain response test. Though, a PCR test can be applied on cells, urine, spinal fluid, or fluid from a blister perform equally as very well. PCR seems to be for the DNA of HSV and can differentiate among HSV1 and HSV2. This check is especially useful for the uncommon instances when herpes infects the mind. A fourth and less correct check is an antibody test. Antibodies produce in the immune system to fight the infection. Nonetheless, it will take time to produce antibodies and patient may not have a beneficial check if infection lately occurred.

Herpes is incurable and whilst treatment can decrease signs or symptoms, decreasing blister outbreaks and relieving discomfort, medicine can't remedy the infection. Those who test constructive need to know that the recurrence of infection depends on but is not limited to anxiety, fatigue, sunlight, or other infections like the cold or flu.

Orignal From: Only Natural Olive Leaf Extract, 90-Count Reviews

if i have yeast infection and they did blood test for genital herpes can the yeast make test inaccurate?

if i have yeast infection and they did blood test for genital herpes can the yeast make test inaccurate?

no it cannot. the hvs (herpes virus) lives in your blood. yeast infections are not in the blood. that is probably why he did blood tests, because he had a good suspicion that it was herpes. hvs 1 is the herpes of the mouth and hvs 2 is genital herpes. this just means that you've had them both at one point or another. unfortunately the virus stays with you even if you have no outbreaks. so, you still are contagious and will have outbreaks with stress, strain, etc.Let me clarify some things that the previous respondent has said.

First, herpes doesn't live in your blood. It lives in your nerves. But it certainly isn't spread by fluids, and a yeast infection won't affect the results.

HSV1 is the virus that most commonly causes oral herpes, but it can cause genital herpes, too.

HSV2 is the virus that most commonly causes genital herpes, but it can cause oral herpes, too.

"Oral herpes" means having either HSV1 or HSV2 on your mouth.

"Genital herpes" means having either HSV1 or HSV2 on your genitals.

Theorhetically, you could have both HSV1 and HSV2 orally. But testing positive for both, most people assume that they have HSV1 orally, and HSV2 genitally. And its a pretty good assumption. I would guess that you do indeed have both oral and genital herpes.

Note that genital herpes can be spread when no symptoms are present, and that condoms do not do a good job of protecting your partners against genital herpes. Because of this, most ethical people choose to tell their sexual partners that they have genital herpes before they become intimate with them. This is the truly miserable part of having genital herpes - needing to tell your future partners.

For a lot of good, easy to read information about both oral and genital herpes, I recommend the website below. You can also email me with questions, if you'd like. I've had genital herpes for 10+ years.

Orignal From: if i have yeast infection and they did blood test for genital herpes can the yeast make test inaccurate?


VARICELLA: An entry from Gale's World of Microbiology and Immunology

VARICELLA: An entry from Gale's World of Microbiology and Immunology

Zoster Virus - click on the image below for more information.

This digital document is an article from World of Microbiology and Immunology, brought to you by Gale®, a part of Cengage Learning, a world leader in e-research and educational publishing for libraries, schools and businesses. The length of the article is 1348 words. The article is delivered in HTML format and is available in your Amazon.com Digital Locker immediately after purchase. You can view it with any web browser. Covers the concepts, theories, discoveries, and pioneers in microbiolo

VARICELLA: An entry from Gale's World of Microbiology and Immunology

Click on the button for more Zoster Virus information and reviews.

Best treatment of the herpes virus is to maintain a strong immune system

Article by Arnold

Herpes is the name of a group of contagious viruses that cause painful blisters and sores. It is one of the most common sexually transmitted virus and millions of people everywhere suffer from diseases caused by herpes. There are different kinds of herpes: herpes simplex and herpes zoster which causes different symptoms. Herpes simplex causes both cold sores around the mouth and genital herpes while herpes zoster causes chickenpox and shingles. Herpes can be spread easily by contact either casual or sexual. The virus enters the body through a break, cut or cracks, in the skin or through the skin of the mouth, penis or vagina, urinary tract opening, cervix or anus, etc. Herpes can be spread from one part of the body to another by touch. A mother can also pass the virus to her child during birth. The diseases caused by herpes can be deadly too. Treatment for herpes is not available, meaning that once the virus enters the body it is almost impossible for it to be removed. But fortunately there are medicines that can help the pain of the sores and heal these sores. The painful blisters and sores can appear anywhere-in the face, body and genital areas. The best treatment against the virus is to maintain a strong immune system. The virus will definitely remain in the system but if the immune system is strong then the outbreak of the sores and blisters can be prevented. There are many medicines however that help in the giving relief to the affected. Antiviral medications like aciclovir (Zovirax), valaciclovir (Valtrex), famciclovir (Famvir), and penciclovir are effective. Antiviral medicines can reduce the frequency, duration, and severity of outbreaks. Vaccines like Zostavax and Herpevac have been found effective but studies are still on. Another treatment is the use of petroleum jelly. Healing of cold sores is sped by barring water or saliva from reaching the sore. Cimetidine, probenecid and low dose aspirin are some other drugs recommended for the treatment of herpes. Certain dietary adjustments, dietary supplements, and alternative remedies are believed to be beneficial in the herpes treatment, either alone, or in conjunction with prescribed antiviral therapy. Topical medicines are also available for proving relief from the itch and pain. Docosanol, Tromantadine, Zilactin, and Tea tree oil medicines, etc are said to be effective. These medicines are applied directly on the affected areas. Heal Herpes is a product of Healing Natural Oils which is effective in treating both oral and genital herpes and prevents the outbreaks of sores and blisters.

Orignal From: VARICELLA: An entry from Gale's World of Microbiology and Immunology



If you have genital herpes, medication & lifestyle changes can help prevent future outbreaks...check out blackherpesmeet.com now

Does or can Plan Parenthood give free herpes medication?

no, but the adult health department probably will.No. You can get generic acyclovir pretty cheap - $ 3 or $ 4 at walmart, kroger, etc. You can get a 90-day prescription for $ 10.

Orignal From: Herpes