
Could it really be herpes?

Could it really be herpes?

its true you can have it for years and not know, and it sounds likely that, that is what it may be.If your dr mentioned herpes, and gave you meds "just in case" she most likely thinks that's what it is. But at least in meds it can be kept under control. Ihad a friend you went to dr for bad yeast infection and a week later she found out she had herpes.Yes darling. That's what it sounds like. I've had it for 5 years now and I googled too. Went to my OBGYN and he suggested Valtrex as well. Well it happened to work so I knew I had it. I was raped at 19 and that's who gave it to me. I'm engaged and my fiance still doesn't know. I'm ashamed. But yes. And I'm very sorry.i'm not sure but i think maybe you disturb the natural ph in your vagina by taking anti biotics which were not prescribed to you. Why didn't you just go to the doctor in the face place.
I'm not a doctor, but i dont think it's herpes. i think you just got servere yeast infection from taking those antibiotics which killed all the good bacteria in your vagina. And your husband going back and forth different hole probably gave you an infection. So yeast infection mixed with uninary track infection, and bacteria/fungus. Can make you bleed down there. Sometimes if you got real bad yeast infection, you can bleed due to the irritation and cracked skin., especially if you vagina lips were swollen.

Your vagina wall is very delicate, so just imagine placing some bacteria on it, it will probably get infected and bleed.

Good luck hun, hope all goes well for you.

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