
Herpes Information?

Herpes Information?

The Mission Of This Herpes Web Site:
To help you reduce the risk of spreading herpes
To fill the desperate need for herpes education
To help you gain the confidence to manage herpes in your daily life
To provide links to confidential Herpes testing and STD testing
To provide information about other STDs through www.STDsite.com
To inform you of ways to limit herpes recurrences
To inform you of products beneficial to herpes sufferers
To make herpes related products available through this home page
To introduce you to Herpes Dating Services
To feature articles about herpes and all related viruses
To show the relationship between good health and herpes
To introduce you to the first romantic comedy, "H": A Novel, focusing on life with herpes
To provide an opportunity for herpes sufferers to share their personal experiences
To provide an avenue to other publications about herpes and the People Talk About ....Herpes Book
To improve your wellness with immune boosting products
To allow you to ask questions and view answers from the Doctors

http://www.herpes.com/I love the American Social Health Association - which has some good, reliable information about herpes. I've put the link below.

Honestly, you can learn most of what you need from a few reliable websites. Don't trust everything that the doctors say, or everything that you read on Yahoo!Answers. But if you stick to ASHA, the CDC, and WebMD, you'll be fine. I tend not to like herpes.com or herpes.org, because they either sell or advertise herpes "cures" or natural herpes supplements, without any double-blind test data that proves that those products work. But the basic, disease-related information they provide is probably accurate.

Once you get past the basics, though - how it is spread, what the symptoms are - the data on treatment and testing is updated often enough that a book won't do you very good for very long. I bought a couple of books when I was first diagnosed. By the time I wanted to use them to check info that I had heard, the info in the books was out of date.

Good luck.

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