
Quite a few HERPES questions?

Quite a few HERPES questions?

Wow...that sounds like a lot of stress. As if having HSV isn't stressfull enought by itself.

Before I offer advice why don't you just (without disclosing your HSV status) ask the guy what happened? You don't need to tell him your HSV status just ask becuase you are curious for pregnancy reasons. I mean just go get coffee with him or something and ask him, if he came inside you, or if he was using his finger.

Also, you should understand that just the act of having sex, with the disruption of the epidermal (skin) barriers around the genitals can be a precursor to a breakout. What I mean is, even if you have sex with a guy without HSV, very often a breakout will occur a few days later, just from the irritation of the tissue.

Stress is also a precursor for a breakout, which I am sure you are under a lot of right now.

Hope this helps.

Also, I would encourage you to go to your MD and talk to him about the situation. Do you have a doctor that you can trust?1. I don't really know anything about female-female transmission

2. I definately understand what you are going through. You should ask the guy if he came in you just so you can have a definate answer and understanding of what happened. Also, there are a lot of factors that can cause an outbreak. Too much exposure to the sun, stress, sex, and an unhealthy diet can all lead to an outbreak. The guy doesn't necessarily have to have herpes in order to make you have an outbreak. It could have just been a combination of the stress and friction during sex.

My best advice would be to see a doctor. I hope this helps! Good luck!I agree with the previous couple of answers that said you probably had an outbreak just because of skin irritation from sex and/or stress.

I also think you shouldn't be worried about this guy getting it from you, because HE was the dumbass who took the condom off (if he did) and made the choice to have sex unprotected and put himself at risk. It's not like he ASKED you about your sexual health before having sex with you. So he's obviously not being very careful or cautious, and this might sound horrible but, if he gets it from you, that's what happens when you make dumb decisions. Live with the consequences. And it's not like anybody ever died from herpes anyway.

As far as female to female goes, herpes can still be spread mouth to mouth, or vulva to mouth. But really herpes only spreads when you're having an outbreak. If you're taking Valtrex or (I forget the other medicine), you're safe from spreading it. If you want to be SUPER cautious though, they do make things called dental dams, which you put over your vulva before receiving oral sex.

Orignal From: Quite a few HERPES questions?

1 comment:

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