
Herpes Decision Making HELP!?

Herpes Decision Making HELP!?

I would not have sex with someone uninterested in a relationship, then she is not only using you for your money, she'd be using you as a sex object as well. You like being a sex toy that means nothing? You are trying all sorts of ways to rationalize your involvement with this woman, you are rationalizing allowing her to "use" you, and now you also rationalize the possibility of transmitting Herpes to her. Frankly, you should cancel the trip, you are not ready for a long term relationship if all you do is rationalize your actions to try to justify what I suspect you know to be wrong.While I understand your way of thinking (that all she did was use you and you are feeling resentful that you put so much time, effort and love into the relationship and she put in... well, nothing) it would still be unethical to procede without being truthful.
Simply put, a good person does what's right. Not because what another person did *deserves* it, but because it's simply the right thing to do.
Do the right thing. Be honest. In fact, I would be honest about it *before* the trip.
Good luck!

Point made. No reason to tell her something if it doesn't actually effect her. That isn't unethical, as it does not put her at risk.
And, no - there is no reason to cancel the trip. If she is only using you, she is and was already aware of that when the trip was agreed upon and scheduled. Likewise, this is not news to you.
Nothing has changed. The only point coming into question is the ethical question of whether you should tell her - an answer I still stand by.
I still think you should say something prior to *any* activities that could put her at risk. Whether she has been unethical in her actions or not, you do not need to sink to that level.
The only reason I suggest telling her before the issue "comes up" is that it's a real moment-killer to have to have a "talk" in the middle of the fun. Getting it over beforehand allows things to just flow as they are going to.
Have a good trip.I think either way, how ever she feels about you, if you are going to have sex, you should tell her. You know, tell her about the meds your taking and use a condom and everything. You should be safe. And about your bad taste joke....You should get a little something for all the time, money etc., you got a good time right? I know all guys think they are owed sex, but your not.

Orignal From: Herpes Decision Making HELP!?

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