
I've done so many bad things in my life...oral, anal, shared sex toy,..I've had no symptoms...?

I've done so many bad things in my life...oral, anal, shared sex toy,..I've had no symptoms...?

A person can have herpes for YEARS without ever exhibiting any symptoms.You will be fine. Not everyone is running around with stds..just learn from this and make sure you are protected from now on. If you had anything serious you would have symptoms by now. Dont listen to ppl that want to scare you. My doctor put me at ease when I had all my std tests done cause I was worried too and it all turned out fine . Its normal to worry...ppl do worse a lot more risky sex than what you did and they survive. I dont recommend to not be safe...I'm just saying you dont need to worry cause I think you will be fine. I know ppl that had multiple partners and did far more crazy sex things and they are clear of stds.

Orignal From: I've done so many bad things in my life...oral, anal, shared sex toy,..I've had no symptoms...?

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