
I just found out I have herpes. How affective is the medicine on outbreaks?

herpes medicine
by AJC1

I just found out I have herpes. How affective is the medicine on outbreaks?

WHICH herpes? HSV-1 (oral herpes/cold sores) or HSV-2 (genital herpes)?

About 80% of the people in the US are infected with HSV-1.

IF it is HSV-2, WHEN did you contract this disease, because the baby is at greatest risk if the mother was infected late in the pregnancy. Really, the baby is more important right now than being concerned about future relationships.

You need to talk to your doctor about your infection and suppressive therapy (which they will put you on anyway in the third trimester to protect the baby). AND read the information in the source below.i am 34 weeks pregnant. i don't take the medicine daily, only when an outbreak occurs. around 20 weeks i did have an outbreak do to stress lowering my immune system. i called my doctor who would not let me take any anti-virals unless it would absolutely not go away. it only lasted 5-6 days.

The medicines are pretty effective and work well. i found myself feeling dehydrated and having dry mouth so i quit taking it and found that i will only have an outbreak 1 -2 times a year. i didn't even know i had herpes for about a year and a half though.

everyone is different on how long outbreaks last, how long they are in between, and what they look like. there is almost always a tingling/ itching feeling but outbreaks can in appear as paper-like cuts, blisters, small bumps, sores or pimple like. there might be one bump or a small red mark. it all varies.

as passing it to someone condoms do help but this is something that passes by skin to skin contact. condoms help reduce the risk. there is no way to prevent it even with suppressive therapy, basically its a matter of time. i have it, my ex didn't. we went 2 years of sex and lots of std testing for him.

now with my fiancee, who i am pregnant with it took a little over a year and a half for him to contract it as well... and we never used condoms.

just know that it is very common and its something that you'll just have deal with. good luckI've had it for 20 years and never used treatment for it. My doc once told me an outbreak lasts about 7 days without or 2-3 days with.

Orignal From: I just found out I have herpes. How affective is the medicine on outbreaks?

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