
Can you get genital herpes from a cold sore?

Can you get genital herpes from a cold sore?

There are two different types of herpes- HSV 1 and HSV 2- but you can get both types orally or genitally. SO if someone with an active cold sore gives you oral sex, you have a chance of contracting genital herpes. If you are getting cold sores, then you do have either HSV 1 or 2 orally. This is not a big deal- so does 80% of the population. The only way for you to contract it genitally would be if a cold sore, or the genitals of someone with genital HSV, were to contact YOUR genitals. It's confusing, I know.Yes, unfortunately, there may be concern in this scenario. The first poster is correct: HSV1 and 2 can be found both orally or genitally. If the person got a cold sore, HSV1, a few days after, he could have been shedding the virus when he was performing oral sex, which is how it is transmitted.

You will have to wait and see if anything comes up on you. Then go to the doc. Good luck.Yes, easily.

Hsv-1 is the virus that causes most cold sores. It 'prefers' the mouth. It is happy to infect the genitals - herpes is opportunistic - but it is less infectious once there than when it is on the mouth. Far from being a 'different' strain that cannot cause genital herpes, due to the popularity of oral sex and how common oral hsv-1 is, hsv-1 now also causes 50-70% of genital herpes infections!

Yes, when you have a cold sore is the most infectious time, and this most infectious period lasts from the very first warning signs before the cold sore appears - often several days before the sore - to at least five days after it has healed.

However, just as with genital herpes, it doesn't take a cold sore to spread oral herpes to the genitals. Oral herpes is infectious about 10% of the time when the person infected does NOT have a cold sore.

My boyfriend and I thought he was only infectious when he had symptoms - and by symptoms I mean the slightest tingle on the lip, not just when he had a sore. Nevertheless, I caught genital herpes hsv-1 through him giving me oral sex when he was between cold sores. He hadn't had one for months, and didn't get one for months after.

My sister also caught genital hsv-1 from a partner that was infected orally but was not experiencing symptoms. That is why 70% of new genital herpes infections in women are caused by hsv-1, which most people regard as the oral herpes virus.

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1 comment:

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