herpes cure - click on the image below for more information.
- Food Grade Hydogen Peroxide
- Oxygen Bathing
- Natural Produce and Poultry Wash
- Mouthwash and Ear Drops
FOOD GRADE 8% Hydrogen Peroxide solution is good for disinfecting water, a foliar spray, chemical free cleaning and bleaching. 1 Pint - 16 oz.
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A Herpes Cure - Is There Actually Such A Thing?
Article by John Currie
A Cure For Herpes - Is There One?
Herpes has been around since at least since the time of the ancient Greeks. Herpes has no cure and finding a cure for herpes is proving so hard due to the fact that it is so good at hide in the nerve endings between outbreaks. This makes is impossible for your body's immune system to find and destroy it.
Herpes manifests in an outbreak of tiny vessicles manily around the pubic region which later turn into open lesions. After an outbreak the herpes virus backtracks to the nerve endings and hides, making it impossible to treat or to find a cure.
Herpes Cure Studies
Scientists are working hard to try to find a herpes cure. However right now the only form of treatment is that which helps suppress the herpes outbreaks and topical treatments to kill the virus once an outbreak occurs.
The mere fact that herpes is a virus makes it so hard to find a herpes cure. Normally your body's immune system will deal with and destroy any viruses it finds but that fact that the herpes virus retreats and hides so well in the nerves when in the dormant phase makes finding a herpes cure a more difficult task.
Herpes Cure Medications
Although there is no herpes cure, herpes outbreaks can be suppressed with some of the anti-viral mediactions available. There is also not a vaccine that can effect a cure for the herpes virus.
There is not a herpes cure, but taking precautions do work...
Just using some good old fashioned level-headedness can go a long way to ensure you don't come into contact with this incurable virus. Always have protected sex. This is not infallible but will in most cases protect you from becoming infected.
One of the primary methods that herpes is getting spread is via oral sex. Many people (particularly the young) do not even consider oral sex to be a sexual activity but oral sex is indeed a major factor in the growing number of herpes infections. This is just plain silly because simply using some form of protection would stop that infection in almost 100% of all cases.
Refraining from having any sexual contact with another is the only sure way to avoid herpes infections.
Abstinence is not a cure for herpes but it works!
Orignal From: FOOD GRADE H2O2 - 8%
I will ever remain grateful to Dr.Odey Abang. I'm Stephanie from Canada. I was diagnosed HSV 2 on 2/11/2016 this was my worst experience of my life time. I was not interested in the English prescription since it has no cure. I had read series of books and watch people gets cure naturally with Herbs. I ran into a research and was interested to give it a try, then, I read about the miraculous works of Dr. Odey Abang, the great and powerful herbalist who had cured patients from Herpes and much other diseases.
ReplyDeleteI contacted him directly to his mail
He replied back and requested for a trial,which he prepared and sent it to me.
Before I could finished it, I was assured something might change my status.
When I checked, my doctor congratulated me negative and willing to work with the herbalist for natural remedies.
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