
herpes cure?

herpes cure?

there is no cure for herpes.
of course they are working on it, but no luck of as yet.
be sure to take your medication when it flares up.
And be sure to use protection too.I have herd rumors but since herpes isn't life threatening I bet they'd rather make money off of us buying medication for the rest of our lives. I would say the closest thing to the cure so far is valtrex and it works really well. The good news is that the longer you have herpes the fewer outbreaks you seem to get. Your body gets used to it and eventually you won't get it for really long periods of time if at all. I personally am going on several years without an outbreak but I have had herpes for 8 years and went through some really ruff times in the beginning, I hope this helped.I doubt that scientists are actively looking for a cure to herpes for two reasons: 1) Herpes is not life threatening. Thank God!! 2) Valtrex would lose a lot of money if there were a cure to herpes.

Sucks for us, but hey it could be a lot worse.

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