Genital Herpes Ad
A mock-genital herpes (cream... pain reliever... whatever) ad that myself and a few of my friends made at The Workshops in Maine. We were part of the YoFi group. This was an in-camera edit (for those of you who don't know, that means you have to start and stop the scene exactly as you want it in the final product, because you can't edit it on a computer, hence: in-camera. this explains slight lag in start and end of shots)
Video Rating: 3 / 5
My Herpe
"I can count on you to attack, to have my back - 'cause you're my herpe"
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Looking for info for a friend on herpes and cortaid cream?
They would not have him use Cortaid cream. Cortaid is a steroid that would be ineffective against a viral infection. She needs to look in his medicine cabinet or drawer for Acyclovir or other anti-viral medication. In the meantime, she needs to get checked out by her Dr. and also needs to reevaluate her marriage if she is enlisting friends to find out about it (sounds as though it is behind his back). It sounds like an unhealthy situation regardless of the Herpes.Hydrocortisone belongs to a group of drugs known as adrenocorticosteroids (or cortisonelike medications). It is used to relieve the skin inflammation (redness, swelling, itching, and discomfort) that is associated with conditions such as dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, and poison ivy. It is not a treatment for herpes. I can say this...many men with herpes do not even know they have it. The responsible course of action whenever there is any question as to whether you have an STD, is of course to go see your physician and be checked. If your mate is unwilling to do that for you, then simply do not have sexual relations with them until they do. Hydrocortisone may help alleviate some of the symptoms associated with herpes such as the dry itchy skin that occurs between breakouts, but it is by no means a treatment for the disease itself. There is no cure for herpes, only treatment and alleviation of symptoms...and the treatment is with Acyclovir or Valtrex. Some tell tale signs of herpes, are the severe dry patches of skin, things that look like small pimples (whiteheads), circular scarring, or outright cankers. Herpes should not go untreated as it has other systemic and nervous complications.We all know who ur friend is
Orignal From: Genital Herpes Ad
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