
Acyclovir ointment 5% 5g Reviews

Acyclovir ointment 5% 5g

herpes ointment - click on the image below for more information.

  • Acyclovir ointment 5% 5g
  • Made in Russia.

It is used for:

Herpes Simplex skin, genital herpes (primary and recurrent) localized zoster (auxiliary treatment), chicken pox.

Acyclovir ointment 5% 5g

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Herpes Ointment can Alleviate Painful Symptoms

Article by Catalin Biris

There are a number of options to treat the symptoms and discomfort associated with herpes outbreaks. Prescription ointment is often used for initial breakouts. Alternative treatments, also called complementary therapies, are widely used to alleviate painful symptoms. It is often possible to treat the painful symptoms of herpes with over the counter medications such as aspirin, acetaminophen and ibuprofen. However, when the discomfort becomes intolerable many people will use a herpes ointment for relief.

Acyclovir ointment is a prescription antiviral topical medication that is indicated for use with initial genital herpes breakouts and for treatment of individuals at risk for complications from herpes due to compromised immune systems. Acyclovir 5% ointment contains 50 mg of acyclovir. In clinical trials of initial herpes infections, side effects included mild burning and stinging at the site of application. Studies have also shown that acyclovir may reduce healing time by 5%. This medication is for use on the skin only, and should not be used in the eyes.

For recurring genital herpes outbreaks, lidocaine ointment can be used to alleviate pain. Lidocaine will provide temporary relief of symptoms, but will not reduce the duration of the herpes outbreak or prevent future outbreaks. In some individuals it may cause the area to become overly sensitive. As with any medication there is the potential of an allergic reaction. People with a known allergy to lidocaine should not use this ointment. If an allergic reaction occurs, treatment should be discontinued and the individual should consult with a physician.

Some research has shown that ointments containing propolis, a substance made by honey bees, may help heal herpes sores, and that it may be more effective than ointments made with acyclovir. In a study, propolis ointment was applied to the sores four times daily. After 10 days, 24 of the 30 patients using it reported that their sores had healed, as compared to only 14 of the 30 patients using acyclovir. Propoalis has not been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of herpes. Currently, it is available as a nutritional supplement.

Using herpes ointment can help to lessen the pain and discomfort of an outbreak, but will not prevent future outbreaks. Patients should consult with their doctor before beginning any new treatment.

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