
What's a good treatment for herpes? Any sufferers, please advise?

What's a good treatment for herpes? Any sufferers, please advise?

i dont know where you live but i live by the ocean. and i'm not gonna lie, durin a break-out its a little painful to get in the water at first. i dont know what the salt water does to the outbreak but it doesnt hurt for days afterwards!Dear suffering:

There are two types of herpes? 1 and 2.

Both types are similar except the 2 = more outbreaks.

Lemon balm (tea or supplement) is herbal supplement. Prunella vulgar, very popular chinese herbal tea, I drink it as often as I can. Honey, honey comb (strong antiviral & strong antibacterial properties), so strong you should handle with care. Some people are allergic to bee products so be careful.

Exercise. Chi gong or tai chi, martial arts and regular exercises. Lower your stress levels. Meditate. Eat a well balanced meal.

The most important of all, POSITIVE ATTITUDE AND CALM DOWN. Negative emotions have nothing positive to contribute to your existing situation. Acknowledge its existence and move on to the better things in life.

Best wishes, don't waste time searching for a cure, just accept it and move onu should ask planned parenthood

Orignal From: What's a good treatment for herpes? Any sufferers, please advise?

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